The video was posted by a Twitter user with the nickname @anu2181 with the caption, “I am in my dreams.”

New Delhi: There are thousands of animal videos on the internet that can amaze anyone. But what we bring to your attention today is one of the best. 

A video of a health-seeking cat working out at a gym spreads across social media. The hilarious video shows a cat doing crunches and squats at the gym. The video is not only funny but also motivational.

According to the Daily Mail, the video appeared in Jining, China, and was filmed by the cat’s owner. 

Twitter user @anu2181 posted the video with the caption, “I am in my dreams.”

After the video was published, it went extremely viral on social media. So far, more than two and a half thousand people have watched the video, and thousands have also commented on it. 

Some users wrote, “So, Kat’s pussy wants to pull her brother up. This is funny.” Others called the clip “perfect.”