Lily thought the most formidable challenge was birthing her twins. But the discomfort she thought was just post-pregnancy symptoms kept up. 

As the doctors scanned Lily’s belly with the wand, they looked shocked. 

The doctor’s words were now filled with regret. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, his voice shaking. 

Lily’s discomfort got worse. She had aches and abdominal cramps. 

Pradeep was shocked by his wife’s sudden illness. He knew she was in trouble and made her go to the hospital right away. 

The doctors only realized how serious it was when her body couldn’t take it anymore. They quickly examined Lily and found something shocking. They scheduled an emergency operation. They had to act fast to save her life.

The doctors asked more questions than Pradeep had. The doctors learned Lily had given birth three weeks ago. In seconds, Pradeep saw a change in their expressions. They knew it was severe, so they quickly did tests and took samples of Lily’s blood for more tests.

They had to make a difficult decision because Lily wouldn’t be discharged soon. Pradeep had to leave his wife to care for their newborn twins.

Lily couldn’t sleep because doctors kept visiting and machines kept beeping.

The following day, Lily woke up feeling better but still had questions. She missed her family.

Pradeep was going to the hospital with Mia and Elijah since there was no babysitter. 

They looked grave, and Pradeep could feel the tension in the room. The air was tense. “Lily, we need to talk,” said one of the doctors. “Your ultrasound showed something.”

“I’m sorry,” he said, “but we need to operate immediately.”

Lily agreed, trusting the doctors. 

Pradeep found the first hour of Lily’s operation hard. 

The twins seemed to sense their mother’s danger and felt her absence. Pradeep couldn’t manage them. 

Pradeep was so lost in thought that he jumped when he saw the doctor again.

Your wife is stable, but we had complications.

“You can’t see her now.” Go home and come back tomorrow or the day after. “This will give your wife time to recover,” the doctor explained, shocking Pradeep. 

The doctor called security to escort Pradeep out. 

He ran through the hospital, looking for his wife. 

He looked through the window and saw his wife. She seemed fine but tired. 

As midnight approached, Pradeep returned to the hospital. 

He found her after looking in nearly two dozen rooms. Lily was sleeping peacefully. 

Three hours later, the doctors came to Lily’s room. 

The doctor gave Lily her test results and talked about the surgery. “We had to remove your ovaries to save your life.”

Lily cried as she heard the news. Her ovaries were gone, so she could not have children. 

Pradeep and Lily live a happy, healthy life together. They were grateful Lily survived. They dedicated themselves to raising their two children.

They were grateful for the doctors’ help and thanked them. They started supporting the local hospital that saved Lily’s life. They held fundraisers and events to provide the hospital with equipment and resources. They worked hard to ensure that others in their community would receive the same excellent care as Lily.