The Hells Angels are a large one-percenter motorcycle club. “1% Motorcycle Club” is a common term for outlaw motorcycle gangs. The 1% opposes the other 99% of motorcycle riders.

With a history that dates back to 1948 in California, the Hells Angels stand as a testament to the enduring spirit of motorcycle culture. Their clubs have spread across California and beyond, with the first European club established in 1969.

The Hells Angels website says 467 clubs in 59 countries on five continents. 

We wanted to know what it takes to be a Hells Angel. We found ten rules all Hells Angels must follow. Read on to find out!

Vote in. It’s a club, so you must keep everyone in. Tentative members are prospects who run errands until the club votes to accept or reject them. It depends on the person. 

It can take years because you can’t leave after you’re in. The club wants you to be 100% committed before you join. You also have to meet other requirements, like having a similar personality, riding a specific motorcycle, and being able to ride anywhere. 

Don’t ask.

Do you still want in? Too bad. The website says, “If you have to ask, you probably won’t understand.” It means they won’t call you. Members with no outstanding issues can vote. 

They want new members to understand that the club comes first. It takes work. If you don’t know, don’t ask. You can still find out how to join.

It’s All About the Bike

A motorcycle club is about bikes. This is a rule, even though it’s obvious. You have to own a Harley to be a member. This brotherhood is about bikes.

It’s an investment, but if you want to be considered, get one of these. Harley-Davidson is part of their heritage. They’ve been riding these bikes since they first came out and are very loyal to the brand. When the club was first formed, Harley-Davidson sold cheap, easy-to-maintain motorcycles.

The Golden Rule

You learned this in kindergarten, but this is the first time you’ve seen it taken as seriously as this. Treat others the way you want to be treated. You’d fit in with these boys if you were raised with that.

They will treat others with respect if they are treated with respect. You have to earn respect. You have to respect the top members of the MC. If you don’t do it, there will be consequences.

Riding Order

Riding is one of the things done in a certain order in the Hells Angels. Bikers ride based on seniority and rank, from president to prospect. This has been the way things have been done for a long time. 

The MC is likely to stay the same. If you get in the middle of the group, it isn’t suitable for drivers with the Hells Angels. If you see them, follow behind. You never know what they’ll do.  

You can’t access the official club website without permission. The website has information on meetups and other charters. However, this may not last. The club may not like you looking at their most valuable assets.

There are many fake Hells Angels websites. Remember, there’s only one real one. Nowadays, it’s hard to spot the fakes because it’s easy to impersonate anyone. 

Hazing is common. You won’t be beaten. The club is better than we’ve been told. You would be given the worst tasks and expected to do them well.

It’s like getting coffee, but the Hells Angels must send you to Starbucks. This could take years before you get in. Do the tasks and smile. 

No drugs. Using illegal substances can have bad results. We don’t know the consequences, but they’re probably wrong. They run into law enforcement a lot, so this rule is essential. 

They’ve had run-ins with drugs and law enforcement in the past. In 2002, the Rochester charter got into trouble with drugs. The leader and vice president got 25 years in prison.

Stick to the rules. We don’t know the specifics, but breaking them can be awful. Getting tattoos removed or being kicked out would feel like losing a limb. The severity depends on the charter and the president.

If you break some rules, you’ll be removed from the club. Some rules are so bad that other charters may need to get involved, and nobody wants that. 

Marking Territory

Once a charter is established, it will mark its territory. It will set boundaries that other clubs must follow, or they will have to deal with the Hells Angels—all of them. Other MCs and clubs have fought and been violent with each other. 

The Outlaws Motorcycle Club opened in Halifax. The Hells Angels saw it as a competitive and disrespectful move. No surprise there. The two MCs have been trying to eliminate each other for years.