Ishaku Elisha Abbo, a former senator who was elected on the platform of the People’s Democratic Party, has become embroiled in a new controversy regarding allegations of sexual misconduct.

Recent reports indicate that an individual has utilized social media to disseminate her account of an encounter with a former lawmaker.

She asserts that she was in an intimate relationship with him and alleges that he secretly recorded their encounter and subsequently used it to extort money from her.

The woman has expressed remorse to her family for her actions and is seeking protection for herself and her loved ones, claiming the senator is threatening them.

In response, Senator Abbo has issued a denial of any involvement in the video.

In a press conference, the former senator addressed the allegations, questioning how an individual could be identified from a video without seeing their face or body.

“How one could identify a person in the video without seeing their face or body is unclear. The witness did, however, identify the individual as Senator Abbo,” he queried.

Abbo, who was removed from the Senate earlier this year, hypothesizes that the video is part of a blackmail attempt by political opponents.

“Blackmail will not impede my electoral success. A senator from one of the northern states was shown in a sexually explicit video. Yet, he was elected to the Senate, and his wife was elected to the House of Representatives. The people in question hold me in high regard. “No amount of blackmail will deter me,” he asserted.