A disastrous incident on the Abuja-Kaduna expressway on Thursday resulted in the demise of 21 passengers. A trailer and a Hummer bus collided, causing the bus to roll over.

The bus, which was reportedly en route to Kano State and Batsari town in Katsina State, was involved in a fatal collision near a route diversion on the highway.

The diversionary route required motorists from both directions to travel in a single lane, which ultimately contributed to the collision.

Witnesses have indicated that the trailer’s driver fled the scene, leaving the vehicle and another container truck at the scene.

Three passengers survived the accident but sustained severe injuries. The injured were transported to a nearby medical facility for emergency treatment. The mortal remains of the deceased have been conveyed to a local morgue.

The incident again highlighted concerns regarding road safety on the Abuja-Kaduna expressway, a crucial but frequently perilous route.