
We’ve found that paracetamol is effective at removing dandruff on your head. To get rid of dandruff:

Mix two crushed tablets of paracetamol with your regular shampoo.

Use this to wash your hair.

Apply the mixture, let it sit for a couple of minutes, and then rinse it out with lukewarm water.

Dry it like you normally would, and you’ll see that your dandruff is completely gone!


Have you been swimming a lot this summer? Has your hair gone a little yellow or green because of it? There’s no need to worry, though. You can return your hair to its natural state with just a little paracetamol. All you need to do is dissolve eight tablets of paracetamol in a glass of water. Next, apply the mixture to your hair and massage it in. Let it sit in your hair for about ten minutes, then rinse it out with water. Then, wash your hair as usual, and the green or yellow color will disappear!

Have you ever wondered why some people go gray earlier than others? Typically, folks start to see their first gray hairs in their thirties. Sometimes, though, those first gray hairs show up sooner than expected. Some people’s hair turns utterly gray as they get older, while others only get a few hairs and strands. Find out why some people go gray earlier than others and why you shouldn’t be concerned when this happens to you.

Gray hair

The reason some people go gray before others has to do with melanin. That’s the pigment that gives your hair its color. If you have less melanin, your hair will go gray sooner than people with a lot of it. Gray hair has less of this pigment, while white hair doesn’t have any melanin at all. But why does the amount of melanin in your hair go down? As we age, the number of stem cells that turn into melanin cells will naturally decrease. This means that your hair will gradually lose its melanin over time.

Your genes influence the amount of melanin in your hair and how it ages. If your parents went gray early on, there’s a good chance you might, too.

There are other reasons why you might be getting gray hair way too early. Smoking can affect how your hair ages. If you smoke, you might go gray at a younger age. Other potential causes could be environmental factors like UV light or pollution. Stress can even make your hair go gray sooner. The good news is that there are ways to slow down the process. According to Health, researchers found that when stress is reduced, your hair can be restored to its standard color.

It’s uncommon for a medical issue to cause premature aging. If you feel like you’re aging prematurely, check in with a healthcare professional to see if there’s a medical issue at play.