Why Barack and Michelle Obama Opened Up About ‘The Hard Parts’ of Their Marriage: “We Came Through … Together”

  • Why Barack and Michelle Obama Opened Up About ‘The Hard Parts’ of Their Marriage: “We Came Through … Together” ➤ Buzzday.info
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7 thoughts on “Why Barack and Michelle Obama Opened Up About ‘The Hard Parts’ of Their Marriage: “We Came Through … Together””

  1. Too bad Mooch is such an unfortunate lookin woman.
    Had she not married Barry, no one would care who she is.
    She’s actually accomplished nothing on her own—not as a
    lawyer, hospital administrator or mother. She needed her
    mother to raise the daughters. Mooch always seems
    overwhelmed by everything except expensive vacations.

  2. I wrote a detailed and quite specific account of the Barak and Michelle Obama’s…maybe too specific and too controversial although I have been proven right in my assertions, but the censors of this site believed it was TOO assertive and too graphic for the public’s knowledge. I would have to have had 30 columns of footnotes, which was untenable. Maybe it will show up, maybe it won’t…but KARMA has a way of hitting the nail on the head at some point in time.

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