President Vladimir Putin died on Thursday, and his body is being stored in a deep freezer, according to the SVR General Telegram channel.

Vladimir Putin’s body is allegedly being stored in a freezer amid rumors of his death, according to a Telegram channel.

The Telegram channel doubled down on its claims that the Russian President died Thursday night, around 8:42 p.m. Moscow time. According to the track, his body was placed in a freezer used for deep-freezing food, it claimed.

According to the SVR, medics treating Putin were forced to stay at his Valdai palace. Special services operatives reportedly locked the doctors in several rooms.

In addition, the TV channel claims that high-ranking aides are preparing a counterpart to take the President’s place so that he can rule Russia unhindered. However, the Kremlin denied these rumors and called them “absurd.” After the SVR general went on to claim that his health had deteriorated over the years due to cancer.

Contrary to the Kremlin’s denial, the channel claims without sources that Dmitry Kochnev, 59, director of the Federal Security Service, launched an operation to mask the dictator’s death. ” At about 8 p.m. Moscow time, the doctors on duty called an additional team of doctors, who upon arrival, within fifteen minutes, began resuscitating the president,” the channel reported.

” Putin’s condition by this time was critical. After 20.42 Moscow time, doctors stopped resuscitation measures and declared the President dead. They reported what happened to the security officers on duty at the door. For this purpose, on the personal order of Dmitry Kochnev, a room in the presidential residence in Valdai, which had been converted into an intensive care ward where Putin died, was blocked.”

The channel added: “Doctors remained locked in front of the President’s corpse. Security officers ordered the doctors to calm down, keep quiet and wait.” In a subsequent report, the TV station claimed, ” Disrespect for the deceased. At the presidential residence in Valdai, Putin’s corpse was placed in a freezer that previously held deep-frozen food. Medics who took part in Putin’s treatment and resuscitation were distributed among several rooms of the residence and continue to be held by the President’s security service.”

The TV channel claimed that Nikolai Patrushev, 72, Putin’s chief security aide, gave orders that Kochnev carried out. ” On Kochnev’s orders, security for the President’s counterpart was strengthened. At present, the issue is being resolved, including the further fate of the doctors. Negotiations on creating a coalition of representatives of pro-Putin elites under the leadership of Nikolai Patrushev are almost completed to preserve the current regime and use Putin’s double in the image of the President.”

Political analyst Valery Solovey believes that Patrushev plans to use this double until the New Year and decide what to do next, including whether the double will run in the elections. Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, called the statement about the death an “absurd information fake.” Recall that earlier this week, he vehemently denied the information that Putin had a heart attack last weekend and said that reports that the Russian President has a doppelganger are untrue.

Patrushev, 72, is currently secretary of Russia’s powerful Security Council and Putin’s top intelligence adviser. SVR officials say he has every chance of succeeding the President but may wish to hand over power to his son, Agriculture Minister Dmitry Patrushev, 46. The TV channel has been claiming for months that Putin is ill and is being replaced by actors trained by the intelligence services who have had plastic surgery to resemble the dictator.