Michelle Obama has been open about her true self in her book “Becoming,” and interviews, including the documentary “The Light We Carry.” But who can confirm her words better than someone who watched over her and her family for years? Luckily, her ex-Secret Service agent Cory Allen can attest that the former first lady is genuinely who she appears to be. 

Allen started working for the Obama family in 2016 and became responsible for Michelle’s safety. In an interview with Katie Couric Media, he said he began his job right after the Obamas vacated the White House. Michelle’s genuineness was one of the key reasons she motivated him. Because of Michelle’s openness, he wanted to write his memoir, “Breaking Free: A Saga of Finding One’s Self by a Gay Secret Service Agent.” “The way she can be herself certainly inspired me… I thought it would be amazing if I could have just a fraction of the impact that she had,” he said of the book. 

As his time as an agent ended, he shared that Michelle and Barack Obama were very laid-back. Yes, Michelle Obama places great importance on connecting with others and staying fit in her daily routine. 

She is known for being warm and welcoming, verified by Cory Allen, her former security detail. Speaking to Katie Couric Media, Allen expressed amazement at how considerate Michelle and Barack Obama were. To begin with, he mentioned that they both made a point of inquiring about him and the other agents daily.

Granted, Allen said he didn’t have personal conversations and avoided opening up much. He told Katie Couric Media that his home life wasn’t necessary for work. If he had shared more, Michelle may have welcomed it. Michelle saw her previous security service agent, Allen Taylor, as a brother in her Netflix documentary “Becoming.”

Michelle Obama loves to exercise. She’s joked that she tries to get her loved ones moving, too. 

Allen enjoyed working out with her because he loves fitness as well. But it wouldn’t have mattered even if he didn’t because Michelle finds working out fun and vital. “Fitness was a requirement with Michelle O!” he said on Instagram, sharing a throwback photo of him and his colleagues on a hike. The former first lady is as warm as can be — but there’s no getting out of physical activity with her.