The royal family of England only has elaborate feasts regularly. Instead, they prefer simple and specific meals for day-to-day dining. Discover what a king eats in a day.

King Charles III has always favored fresh, locally grown produce, including fruits from the extensive gardens at Highgrove. The gardens boast thousands of plants and trees, including heirloom apple orchards that help preserve endangered British varieties.

The royal garden at Highgrove produces spectacular plums jarred by house staff to be eaten even after the season ends. 

King Charles III prefers that his morning eggs be cooked for precisely four minutes; otherwise, they are known as soft-boiled eggs. On weekends, he sometimes indulges in cheesy baked eggs. In any case, the King requires that all the eggs and other food he consumes be organic, as he is a big advocate for sustainable farming.

One of the most classic British dishes is the meat pie, which typically features chunks of meat, such as beef or chicken, in a savory sauce or gravy (which may contain milk or cream, but not always), along with vegetables like carrots, onions, or potatoes.

On his 70th birthday, King Charles spoke about his favorite meal: a pheasant pie. To make this delicious dish, poach the pheasant and create a rich gravy. Finally, top the pie with a decadent parmesan bacon crumble. 

Queen Elizabeth II, known as the Cereal Queen, prefers a bowl of Kellogg’s Special K every morning. On the other hand, King Charles III enjoys a bowl of muesli made with oats, grains, nuts, and dried fruit, served alongside his other breakfast favorites. Muesli can be mixed with milk and soaked overnight or eaten with yogurt. 

According to former chef Darren McGrady, His Royal Highness loves wild and foraged mushrooms. 

McGrady’s team would sauté the entire harvest with butter and tarragon before freezing it for use throughout the year, making the most of the mushrooms’ short season. The mushrooms were used in dishes such as creamy risotto, King Charles III’s favorite. McGrady sometimes served the King’s favorite risotto with locally raised lamb chops or other organic, farm-raised meats.

The King eats a simple breakfast.

It is widely known that the King rarely eats lunch, so what he eats for breakfast is of utmost importance. 

In addition to fruits and seeds, King Charles III requests freshly baked bread, muesli and cereal, no less than six types of honey, and tea or juice to wash it down. The King requires his breakfast box to have specific items no matter where he travels. Former royal chef Darren McGrady revealed that the pantry is always stocked with fresh, local produce in case the King desires something more substantial.