The Office of Melania Trump’s official account posted a message on Twitter urging caution about media reports that have made assumptions about the former first lady’s stance on personal, professional, and political subjects over the past few weeks. The message notes that these articles often cite unnamed sources to bolster the author’s claims. Readers should use caution and good judgment when evaluating the accuracy of stories about the former first lady. This is especially important when sources fail to cite Mrs. Trump as the source of information.

It is worth noting that the former first lady rarely speaks with the press herself. Media outlets are eager to learn more about her reaction to her husband’s historic indictment. He is the first president ever to be charged with criminal activity. He has pleaded not guilty to all 34 charges. However, the slow pace of the American justice system means that a trial will not begin for months. Therefore, the allegations that he paid hush money to cover up an affair with an adult film star will remain a topic of national conversation for some time.

Many commentators have speculated about how Melania must feel to have her marital problems discussed in public. The Page Six story mentioned above includes insight from Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, a former aide and author of Melania and Me: The Rise and Fall of My Friendship with the First Lady. According to Wolkoff, Melania’s silence about the affair was deliberate and served as her protective armor.

This sentiment is echoed in PEOPLE’s reporting, which cites a source stating that Melania is uncomfortable with political events and has no plans to participate in her husband’s 2024 campaign. 

We know the Trumps dined together at their Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida when the indictment was announced. Melania did not accompany her husband to New York for his arraignment, nor did she attend his rally at Mar-a-Lago later that day, which was attended by his children Don Jr., Eric, and Tiffany. On April 9, Melania joined her husband for an Easter brunch. Upon entering the Mar-a-Lago dining room, the couple received a standing ovation.

That same day, Melania posted an apolitical tweet featuring an Easter greeting and a photograph of a rose.

Melania retweeted her office’s statement, which urged good judgment when consuming news reports about her. She did not add any additional commentary.