In this viral video, a girl feeds a buffalo and starts dancing. The buffalo becomes angry and slams into the girl.

The incident is humorous and may cause laughter. The saying ‘Cast pearls before swine’ is well-known. Another common saying is ‘Show a red flag to a bull .’It is easy to provoke a bull, but if someone intentionally incites it to attack, the bull will not spare the person. Perhaps this girl is unaware of this. She went in front of the buffalo to get killed.

A video of a girl dancing has been posted on social media. In the video, she feeds the buffalo and puts fodder in the cistern. Then, she starts dancing in front of the buffalo, perhaps trying to impress it. The buffalo becomes angry at the girl’s action. Watching what happens next will surely make you burst into laughter.

After watching the video, you, too, will find it hard to control your laughter. This funny video illustrates why the proverb ‘show a red flag to a bull’ exists. The video shows a girl feeding a buffalo before dancing in front of it. 

The buffalo becomes angry and slams into her, causing her to fall to the ground and struggle to get up. This video of a buffalo-girl tussle is popular on social media. Millions of people have viewed it, and there has been much commentary on this amusing video.

 It has been shared on various platforms and uploaded to the Instagram page psycho_biharii2.