In January 2024, Princess Catherine disappeared from the public eye after undergoing unspecified abdominal surgery. 

On March 22, Catherine released a video statement announcing she had cancer. 

Catherine’s treatment offers clues to her cancer type. Princess Catherine is staying silent about her diagnosis, but her preventative chemotherapy narrows the types of cancer she might have.

Ben Ho Park, M.D., told Today that while it could be any cancer, the surgery Catherine had before finding out she had cancer makes it more likely to be genital, gastrointestinal, or urinary. 

Andrea Cercek, M.D., told Everyday Health that preventative chemotherapy isn’t used for stage 1 cancers. This means that Catherine’s cancer had likely progressed by the time doctors discovered it in January 2024. 

What is preventive chemotherapy?

Preventive chemotherapy isn’t a technical term. Katherine Van Loon, M.D., told Time doctors call it adjuvant chemotherapy. Preventive chemotherapy kills the remaining cancer cells. 

Dr. Cercek calls it an “insurance policy.” 

Preventive chemotherapy is not one type of treatment. It can be a mix of different cancer treatments. It depends on the patient’s diagnosis.

Princess Catherine has been having preventive chemotherapy for almost five months. She has not said how long her treatment will last. Doctors say that the length of preventive chemotherapy can vary a lot. This depends on the type of cancer and the type of treatment.

Catherine’s cancer treatment started in late February 2024. She might finish in August 2024. Treatment can sometimes take longer depending on how well your body responds, how long it takes to recover, and how severe the side effects are. Vanity Fair sources say Catherine is responding well to treatment. 

Princess Catherine said in an Instagram post that her chemotherapy has been brutal. “Some days are good, some are bad.” On bad days, you feel weak and tired. You have to rest. 

Some people are asking if Princess Catherine still has cancer. Doctors say it’s impossible to know. 

Cancer can still be in the body even after treatment. “We over-treat patients every year because we don’t know if they still have cancer,” Park admitted. “Many patients get chemo when they’re probably cured.” We hope Catherine is cured. Park said that there’s always uncertainty when it comes to cancer and its treatments. Doctors can’t be 100% sure that the cancer won’t return.

Princess Catherine’s cancer diagnosis was shocking because she was only 42. People don’t usually get cancer at that age.