Lisa Riley, 42, is enjoying a new lease of life. She talks about weight loss, marriage, and, finally, being comfortable with her skin. It’s an entirely different life. When we met Lisa at the publishing house for her new book, she gave us a big kiss and looked gorgeous in a short blue dress. She lost 12 stone in 18 months.
My health made me do it. I ate right and exercised. Every day, I get accused of having a gastric band. I read the nasty comments and thought, ‘Why am I even looking at this?’ I did it through willpower to buy nice clothes and underwear.
Lisa has a new image and outlook on life. She has been with her partner, Al, since 2014. She has always said she did not want children because she lost her mum too soon. Then, she decided to explore IVF.
Lisa’s smile is due to her boyfriend, whom she’s kept private. Now that they’re engaged, we asked about her wedding, but she scolded us for prying.
People want to tell you who they’re sleeping with, but that isn’t me. I live in the public eye and give everything away. Anything! Can I have one piece for myself if my life is like Trivial Pursuit? “Please?” she says, praying.
She doesn’t want to talk about him but can’t stop.
“I’ve had so many failed relationships because people have been with me for the wrong reasons. Al isn’t. He’s with me because I’m Lisa Riley. He calls me Lisa Jane, my birth name. I’ve found someone who likes the same things as me. Everyone deserves a good partner. I’ve had so many bad ones that I want to keep this one for myself. “He’s mine.”
She shows pictures of the two of them on her phone and says, “See? I wouldn’t want to ruin this.” We imagine he was an incredible support when she had four primary operations to remove a stone of excess skin from her frame last year.
Lisa picked up her lunch (salmon salad) as we got ready to go. We asked her what else she was looking forward to.
“I have lots of exciting TV projects coming up, even in America. I’m more employable there,” she says.
Lisa gets emotional.
“I look at pictures of me and think, ‘You did this.’ I walk with my head high. “I want to make the most of every day.”
What does Lisa do on Sundays?
Sleep in or get up early?
I often work on Sundays. If not, I will see my family in Manchester. I leave at 6 a.m. Then I watch Shark Tale for the 100th time and act like I haven’t seen it.
Fry-up or healthy breakfast?
I no longer eat fried food—gluten-free oatmeal with soy milk and cherries.
Roast in or out?
Can I have some of both? I love a well-timed roast. I make lists for food prep.
Hungover or fresh?
In three years, I’ll have gone three years without alcohol. I used to love Malbec. I’m like Cinderella. I leave before midnight on nights out.