She and her dog were close initially, but then strange things happened. The husband watched her dog follow her into the bathroom. He cracked the case. As soon as the door closed, he opened the security software on his phone. I didn’t expect to learn something that would change their marriage.

Katie asked for a puppy, and David agreed. She often worked alone at home, so he thought he’d get a dog while away. 

Bailey is becaKatie’se’s new pet name. They got along. He was a one-year-old Australian Shepherd. 

David got a promotion after several months. He was moved to a bigger team. He could work less and get home sooner. 

David came home to surprise Katie. Bail didn’t run to him, and no one saw him. He padded to find his Wife, but nobody was home. 

David heard the shower. He cursed himself for not checking the bathroom. She was showering. But when he got closer, he heard a voice. It was Katie, but he couldn’t hear her. Who was she talking to?

He listened but only heard the show. “HoneI’mI’m ho”e!” he said. A loud smash was heard. “Are you okay,”y?” he asked. I’ll be there, so”n!” she called back. She left with Bailey. Did he scare her?

He asked Katie if she was talking to someone in the restroom. She looked at him, then looked away”. “Just to Bail”y,” she said. David looked at him”. “He keeps me safe alone,” she said. 

David wondered why his Wife had not told him earlier. David’s first days at work were slow as he adjusted to coming home early. It was still hard when Katie took Bailey to the bathroom. 

David noticed Katie was acting differently. She didn’t pay bills or buy groceries because she was worried. He often came home to find her on the couch with Bailey on top of her. 

David needed to improve home security. He bought a doorbell camera to alert him if the front door was opened and record anyone approaching it. 

The next day, David got a notification that the front door had been opened while he was at work. He saw Bailey on the leash as Katie left. He relaxed, thinking she was taking the dog for a walk. Hours passed before he got another notification. He thought she was just running errands, but he started to worry when it happened a lot. Where had she been at work?

As time passed, David became more and more suspicious. David’s trust in Katie was fading. 

David saw the evidence mounting up. 

One evening, David decided he couldn’t bear his suspicions alone. 

He realized his Wife’s silence wasn’t silence, and it wasn’t avoidance but anger. “You’re watching me?” She spit on him. David couldn’t believe he was scolded when he thought she was acting strangely. 

Katie sat on the edge of their bed, her mind racing. She didn’t want to tell David the truth but wished he would trust her. 

That evening, David slept on the couch and left for work the following day. However, he came up with a plan during his sessions. On his way home, he bought a small, hidden camera at the security store. He wanted to hide the camera in the bathroom so he could see what Katie was doing there.

He put it in the bathroom after Katie went to sleep. 

With the camera in place, David was close to discovering the truth. 

He watched as Katie and Bailey entered the restroom. The couple was quiet. He pushed aside his jealousy and decided to find out why they were acting weird. David started the camera as they went behind the door. Holding the screen, he saw his life change. His hands shook.

The live feed showed nothing strange. Katie put her phone on the counter and took a shower. Bailey lived nearby. He moaned when he walked over to the show”. “Towel, Bail”y,” Katie said. The dog brought her towel. Bailey took something from the counter where Katie had left her phone. David watched as his Wife sat on the floor beside the shower. Was she calling someone?

He was surprised to see an orange pill bottle. His Wife said”, “Good boy, Bail”y,” weakly. The dog took her water. David saw Bailey take a tablet while lying between Katie’s knees. 

David realized his suspicions were wrong. 

The anxious spouse waited for Katie to come back from the bathroom. David helped his Wife up. She knew him better than anyone. He was suspended now, where he’d solved a problem. He didn’t know the whole story.

He led her to the bed, and they sat side by side, holding hands. She said, “I’m sick all the time.” Bailey is my assistant dog. David took a deep breath. 

Katie said, “It’s called Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndro”e” My heart rate is erratic when I stand up or stand for a long time. I could pass out. She didn’t want David to worry, so she kept it from him.