All Progressives Congress (APC) Women Campaign Council members are upset with President Bola Tinubu for not appointing women to key government positions.

The women feel abandoned by the President following his election.

At a press briefing in Abuja, the group’s spokesperson, Elizabeth Ofuani Otunbalogun, was critical.

She said President Tinubu didn’t keep his promises about including women. She said the women who worked for him feel “used and dumped.”

Otunbalogun said that President Tinubu promised to increase women’s participation in governance to at least 35% during his campaign. But this promise has yet to be kept.

Otunbalogun says women are underrepresented in the President’s appointments.

“In 2023, only 12% of the President’s appointments were women. In 2024, only 12 out of 99 appointments were women.

She also criticized the President for not fulfilling his campaign pledge to reward those who delivered results at their polling units, particularly the party’s women’s wing.

The APC Women Campaign Council asked President Tinubu to fix the problem of few women in his appointments and to keep his promises. Otunbalogun said the President should make up for the lack of women in his team because it is essential to have women in government.

“This is important for fixing the problem and ensuring women are involved in government,” Otunbalogun said.

Adesotu Vera also spoke up, asking the President to remember the contributions of women loyal to the party.

She said that 35% of affirmative action should be used and that the President should thank the women who worked hard for the APC.

“We are asking the President to help us. “Implement 35% affirmative action,” Vera said.

“We don’t have a specific position in mind.” Mr. President knows the best women for the job. “Many women worked for the party during former President Muhammadu Buhari’s tenure,” she added.

Vera said many women are highly educated and can lead the government.

“We need to find these women and bring them on board. They have what it takes. We want to be on the board too. “He should put women in charge so they can empower themselves,” she said.