The new Senate hearing could happen as early as September. This comes from another strange summer of US military whistleblower claims about these mysteries. One claim is that an ex-Pentagon official handled an alien implant that was removed from a veteran. 

New York Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand confirmed the hearing and said keeping the information public is important.

Not only has the military reported UFO sightings, but many Americans have also come forward with similar accounts. Senator Gillibrand hopes that these will be added to the Pentagon’s UFO investigation soon.

Just days ago, people saw a huge UFO with blinking and spinning lights 60 miles from a US Air Force nuclear weapons base.

A woman from Choteau, Montana, said she was “shaking and crying” after seeing a UFO.

“The photos aren’t scary,” the poster said. “But there’s a difference between seeing a huge object in the night sky and seeing a huge object in the night sky going over your home.”

The witness said the UFO wasn’t one of Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites, often mistaken for alien craft. 

“I’m familiar with Starlink videos,” he said. The lights were around the silhouette of a large aircraft.

He couldn’t see between the lights, he told the r/UFOs subreddit. It was dark behind them. From our vantage point, we observed what appeared to be a disc-shaped object.

On Monday, Sen. Gillibrand hoped the Senate UFO hearing would help people trust the Pentagon’s UFO office and encourage them to report their sightings.

“We also want to build credibility in this office so more people feel comfortable sharing their sightings and information,” she said.

After a rocky start, the office spent most of 2024 with a temporary acting leader.

In August, the Pentagon announced that Dr. Jon T. Kosloski, who works at the NSA and is knowledgeable about quantum optics and crypto-mathematics, would be AARO’s new lead.

“I hope the new head will testify,” Sen. Gillibrand told Capitol Hill reporter Matt Laslo.

Gillibrand gave us a sneak peek of what to expect at the hearing. Her fellow New York senator, Chuck Schumer, has sponsored a detailed amendment that calls for the declassification of UFO files. 

The Armed Services Committee will report on the number of unidentified aerial phenomena it has assessed and analyzed, as well as examples of what it has identified and not.

Sen. Gillibrand said making this kind of public disclosure was important so the community would know what the office was doing.