A Couple, Peter Olabisi Oluseyi and Temilola Oluseyi were recently pronounced professors by the University of Lagos’ governing council at its meeting of October 11, 2024.
The couple was among the list of 80 academic staff announced as full professors across the university’s faculties. While the wife, Temilola Oluseyi was appointed professor of Chemistry with Analytical and Environmental Chemistry as her specialisation, the husband, Peter Oluseyi, was pronounced professor of Electrical & Electronics Engineering with Power and Energy Systems as his specialisation.
The husband commenced tertiary level teaching at the Yaba College of Technology in July 2000. He transferred his teaching service to the University of Lagos in November 2005. He has more than 20 years’ experience in teaching, research and community service. He has published over 75 journal and conference papers on the area of research. He has also successfully supervised three Ph.D. candidates to graduation while having two currently undergoing their research under him. He has successfully supervised 43 MSc students; 65 BSc students while having eight ongoing.
While the wife is a two-time recipient of the prestigious Commonwealth Scholarship as a Split site Ph.D. student at Loughborough University, UK in 2007 and as a postdoctoral research fellow at University of Birmingham, UK in 2013. She had carried out collaborative researches funded by Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), The Royal Society, UKRI Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), European Union and the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK.
She also is a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry UK, member of the UKRI International Development Peer Review College, member of the RSC Researcher Grants Peer Review Group and Commonwealth Scholarship Commission Alumni Advisory Panel. She held the position of the Chair of the Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA), African Chapter (2020 – 2022). The couple’s appointments were also backdated to take effect same day, October 1, 2022.