A woman sleeps with a snake every night. Then He Stops Eating, And Vets Learn His True Colours

One woman slept with her pet python every night. Then he stopped eating, and vets made a stunning discovery.

It’s easy to understand why people let their pets sleep in bed with them. Dogs and cats are soft and snuggly, making great cuddle partners. Curling up with a ferret or a rabbit is even familiar. But what about a snake?

One woman chose to sleep with her pet python every night, but this wasn’t a good choice.

She slept with her pet python stretched out on top of her every night. When she slept on her stomach, the python stretched from her head to her toes. She loved this and thought it was a special moment. But then she noticed something was wrong.

After sleeping with the woman in her bed for a few weeks, the python suddenly stopped eating. The woman was worried and took the snake to the vet to see why it wasn’t eating as usual.

The 7-foot python was starving itself, and when the vet asked about the snake’s daily routine, they were stunned to hear about their sleeping habits.

The vet was shocked to hear that the woman and the snake slept together every evening. They asked the woman if the snake was lying along her body or curling up around her sometimes, and she confirmed that that was the case.

The vet told the woman that the snake was checking her out. Every time the snake moved along her body, it was practicing for the next part—for its next big meal.

The vet told the woman that the snake wasn’t eating because it was preparing for a big meal.

It turns out that the snake was waiting for the perfect time to eat its next meal — and, in this case, its owner. After hearing this, we hope the woman will learn her lesson and not repeat the same mistake.

Exotic pets like reptiles, amphibians, and insects are great pets. But there’s a lesson for all of us: if you have a pet that can do this, ensure it’s safe before you go to bed.