Although most people think that Obama’s 8 years as president mainly were without problems — compared to some other presidents who came before and after him — there were still some controversies; the writer of “Dreams from My Father” experienced some of this drama during his first presidential campaign in 2008. At the time, there were rumors that Obama wasn’t eligible to be president because he wasn’t born in the US. The presidential candidate shared a digital scan of his birth certificate to show he was eligible, which confirmed he was born in Hawaii.

But even that wasn’t enough to stop people from asking if Obama was born in the US. Some people even thought the scan had been edited. So, in 2011, the then-president released a more extended version of his birth certificate to show that he was born in Hawaii.

But bizarre controversies continued. In 2013, when it started raining, Obama was speaking at the Rose Garden with the Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Obama asked the Marines to shield the two men with their umbrellas. This simple request caused a stir in the conservative world, with critics saying that Obama was inconsiderate and that he should not have broken official protocol. Surprisingly, one of Obama’s most talked about moments wasn’t about politics at all.

During Barack Obama’s second term, he caused a big argument by wearing an innocent outfit. In August 2014, when the then-president talked to the press about America’s involvement in several important world issues, he wore a tan suit that distracted everyone from listening to anything he said. It might seem like a simple choice, but it caused quite a stir. However, Obama’s suit was very different from his usual dark suits.

Many people also thought it was inappropriate for the serious topics the president was discussing at the time.

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were political rivals, and this started when they both wanted to be the Democratic presidential candidate in 2008. They were not getting along, and they were insulting each other at a big political meeting in January 2008. According to CNN, one of Clinton’s supporters said something terrible about Obama to the press. They said that Obama had taken drugs as a teenager, which meant he was not fit to be president. However, a friend of Clinton’s later said that she had arranged a meeting with Obama to apologize for the insult and to tell him she hadn’t been the one who said it.

In a January 2016 conversation with the newspaper Des Moines Register, the former Secretary of State indirectly criticized the then-president by saying that she could get the members of Congress to support her more than Obama because she knew better how to guide them.

Barack Obama and Bill Clinton have a complicated friendship. In Edward Klein’s 2014 biography, “Blood Feud: The Clintons vs. the Obamas,” he suggested that Bill didn’t think highly of the then-president and had made his dislike clear to his inner circle by admitting, “I hate that man Obama more than any man I’ve ever met, more than any man who ever lived.” The author also says that Bill thought that Barack had gone too far by suggesting that he was racist during his 2008 presidential campaign. Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton’s predecessor as First Lady, reportedly wasn’t too fond of her either and had even nicknamed her “Wildebeest.”

However, the bestselling author convinced Bill to support his 2012 campaign.

In 2009, Barack Obama visited Dresden in Germany instead of Berlin. This caused a big stir because many thought he had deliberately avoided the capital to avoid meeting Angela Merkel. Some German newspapers even said that Obama didn’t want to meet Merkel because she hadn’t supported his choice to give a speech at the Brandenburg Gate during his 2008 presidential campaign. The Reuters news agency also said that Obama had said no to Merkel’s invitation to walk around Dresden together.

In a May 2011 CNN report, the queen said something to the American president during a state dinner, and when she had finished, the American national anthem was played. Unfortunately, Obama only managed to say “To Her Majesty the Queen” before the orchestra started playing “God Save the Queen,” apparently thinking he had finished his toast. However, the president didn’t let that stop him and continued his toast over the song, breaking royal protocol.