The Obama family mourns the tragic loss of their ‘True Friend’

  • The Obama family mourns the tragic loss of their ‘True Friend’ ➤
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11 thoughts on “The Obama family mourns the tragic loss of their ‘True Friend’”

  1. Just how close was Bo to the family. Was he the first.? Was he a democrat ? Voters are precious and true politicians will literally shed tears one is lost

  2. President,
    I am truly so sorry for your family’s loss of your puppy. It is very sad and heartbreaking to go through. Our English Setter died about 2months ago. It was a terrible surprise of him dying. He wasn’t having problems but got a heart problem and he died recently after we found out. He was 10 years old. He should have lived a longer time. Again, my sincere condolences to you and your family.
    Kim Weaver
    Conway, SC

  3. Sorry 4 your loss of a faithful friend. I had 2 but
    Down my 2 Cats years apart . They were ginger 13 years old and buddy about 11 years old. I cried like a little kid but the vet game me a card to say they were sorry 4 my loss. I told my mother I put ginger down and she cried because she was with him for so many years.

  4. Hello Obama family: so sorry to hear of the loss of Bo. I truly understand your heart, it’s truly devastating and only time will make you feel better but it never leaves the heart. Celebrate the memories and one day you all may decide to adopt a new family member. God bless.

  5. My husband and I mourn with you.. They give us Unconditional love..We miss our two, Lab and Lab mix.

  6. I remember that beautiful photo of Bo in the airplane with President Obama. My heart is sad for the family

  7. My sincere and deepest feelings for your family. Dogs truly are a sign of unconditional love for us on this earth..Your family will have wonderful memories for years to come.

  8. My wife and I are sorry for your personal loss of ‘BO’. We too have lost many 4-legged children that have brought much happiness to our family and have helped me in my slow recovery of PTSD over the decades.

    We are hard core Republicans (long past EX-DEMOCRATS) and weren’t happy with your Presidency nor of your Vice-President’s currently ruining our Nation. When it comes to a loving pet that cares more for us like family and not what we believe in, we hurt more as if losing a child then tens of hundreds of troops in battles or running away from a Country we helped for 20 years and lose over a dozen soldiers to the ”friendly’ enemy as we were pulling out of the Country we helped to secure.

    What about all the weaponry, aircraft, tanks, billions of BULLETS all the other things that goes into building 100’s of camps, runways and so on, to fight the enemy, you bought with taxpayer’s tax dollars, that left next to nothing for us in the States except for high priced Russian made supplies. I wonder where Biden learned to spend so much taxpayer’s money so easily. Is it from your many visits to the White House to tutor him weekly?

    You remember the Head of the IRS who spoke before the Congressional Committee over her illegal destructions towards Americans with your blessings before taking the 5th and making her faces in front of the camera, spoke a million words of your Presidency.

    Next, your Secretary of State who left an ambassador and his guards under manned and under gunned, to have the Ambassador killed and 3 guards murdered at her hands under your leadership, and she says, ‘so what, they are dead anyway’. Something to that fact, to the Congressional Committee investigating her too. She laughed it off. Then she cried foul when she lost the Presidential election to a businessman but not to her job performance and being a long-time murderer to many who tried to ‘help’ her and her husband over the many decades since their Governorship in Arkansas. Let’s not forget the corruption scandals, like White Water, and the stained blue dress, the famous cigar in the trophy case, next to the Marijana cigarette that Bill never inhaled.

    BTW, I have been retired from the Air Force for several decades, earning my freedom to our 1st Amendment Rights (Freedom of Speech) and 2nd Amendment Rights (right to carry Guns). In the military, we could be Courts Martialed for speaking against the President as he was our Commander and Chief. During the Gulf War of 1990-1991, we weren’t all access to our weapons for protection in a war zone at any time as our M-16s were locked up in a secret storage unit.

    Luckily, we had the local Country’s soldiers armed outside our fenced camp, sleeping in dugouts in the desert with no running water, no power except for small generators and no latrines. They did have small arms and ground to air missiles aimed at Iran just in case they joined in with Iraq and tried to take out several dozens of different types of C-130’s, including ours from Germany.

    We did have 3 sets of chem gear and 1984 dated MRE’s and brand-new vehicles that were about 10-20 years old with 10 to 30 miles on them. President Reagan, with the permission of the Saudi leadership, stationed hundreds of different types of vehicles in the Saudi desert just in case of war in the oil countries.

    The chemicals injections we were issued were several years expired but were told they were still good to used. The Malaria pills we took daily didn’t do us much good except to make many of us sick.

    Saddam Hussain made whooping his butt easy by letting President Bush 41 build up a multinational force with many Arab nations involved to take out Iraqi forces with few allied casualties.


  9. Mr. President and family.

    I’m an Army 1st Infantry veteran. I formed a 501(c)(3) all volunteer nonprofit to save lives of all incredible animals. In turn the saving of these lives has saved me. Delivering me from dark thoughts.

    I’m crying now for your loss, and I know why, for I too have suffered the loss of my many loyal, loving, and caring family members, my dogs.

    Thank you for openly expressing your loss. If I may, giving you a deep caring hug.

    Ron Wallenberg

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