Prince Harry was greatly humiliated by Meghan Markle’s statement

  • Prince Harry was greatly humiliated by Meghan Markle’s statement ➤
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6 thoughts on “Prince Harry was greatly humiliated by Meghan Markle’s statement”

  1. I’m REALLY gagging and drowning in crap over this person pulling out her own race card when it “suits” her! Adjectives wants to grab at her ancestry when, if anyone else did it she’d be first up with a law suit. Just as QEII her grandson “you can’t have it both ways”

  2. Harry you poor excuse for a man marrying that. She’ll never be a strong woman like your MOTHER. Yes and she does use her race when she thinks it’ll be of help to her. When she couldn’t get her own way at the palace that’s when she decided to go back to America. She is ashamed of being black it sticks out so bad. I feel so sorry for the rest of the royal family having a hypocrite in their family.

  3. I wish they would get rid of the drama and just be happy and enjoy their children and give them a happy childhood.

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