A brave worker takes on the world’s most dangerous job – feeding crates of fresh meat to hungry crocodiles.

On his farm in Nakhon Pathom province, Thailand, 49-year-old Panya Siangjong feeds more than 10,000 killer crocodiles daily.

The video shows Panya, wearing rubber boots, carelessly pulling an orange plastic container filled with chicken scraps while dozens of reptiles scurry at his feet on Aug. 15.

He dumps the meat around concrete pools where the animals gather to tear into their lunch.

A courageous Panya says, “I was hoping to earn a steady income, so I started a crocodile farm over two decades ago.

It looks dangerous from the outside but is manageable with safety measures.

He says one of the basic safety measures is to use a box to ward off crocodiles and always wear shoes.

The crocodiles treat me calmly because they have seen me daily for years. He says: “The crocodiles are comfortable with me because they have seen me daily for many years. I have nurtured them from a very young age.”