Barron Trump is the youngest son of former President Donald Trump and the only son of Melania Trump. After his father was elected the 45th President of the United States, Barron moved from New York City to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, becoming the first school-aged boy to live in the White House in more than five decades. Over the years, the Trump family has been the focus of enormous attention. Barron has increasingly found himself in the media spotlight despite his parents’ attempts to shield him from prying eyes.

Barron was born on March 20, 2006, and his life was never the same again.

Thanks to his famous parents, Barron Trump was in the spotlight at an early age. But when Donald Trump decided to run for President of the United States, Barron’s life was turned upside down – even if he wasn’t very aware of what was happening. 

By the end of the school year, Barron was enrolled at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School in Potomac, Maryland, and was forced to make all new friends and learn a new routine. However, when his father lost reelection in 2021, Barron was forced to change schools again – this time in Florida. After the Trumps moved to Mar-a-Lago permanently, Barron was enrolled at Oxbridge Academy in Palm Beach – the class of 2024.

We may not know how much TV Barron Trump watched while living in the White House, but we know that he was often the subject of jokes, from late-night television to internet trolls who attacked the teenager simply because they didn’t like his father. A prime example is an incident in 2017, right after Donald Trump’s inauguration. ” Barron will become the nation’s first school shooter,” tweeted Katie Rich, a “Saturday Night Live” writer at the time. According to USA Today, the tweet, which has since been deleted, caused Rich to be “suspended indefinitely.” 

Barron Trump may be used to his family being surrounded by security at various times, but having private security or a police escort from the NYPD is quite different from having the Secret Service following you everywhere. 

If Barron Trump’s life wasn’t hard enough, his parent’s marriage hasn’t been out of the headlines for years, with reports popping up now and then that the couple can’t stand each other and Melania Trump wants to file for divorce. 

At times, things at Barron Trump also become very serious, not limited to the need to change schools or move out of state. For example, in August 2023, a woman named Tracy Fiorenza went to court after allegedly threatening to kill Barron. 

You can feel all you want about Donald Trump, but no one can deny that the thought of your father being on trial and potentially going to jail terrifies any child – and Barron Trump is experiencing that nightmare in real-time. There are dozens of charges against the former U.S. president, including alleged “hush money,” election interference, classified documents, and more. If convicted, The Donald will likely spend time behind bars, though his sentence is as unclear as a possible conviction. Asked if he is worried about the prospect of going to prison, Donald replied, ” I don’t think about it. Apparently, I’m set up a little differently because I’ve had people come up to me and say, ‘How do you do it, sir? How do you do that? It doesn’t even occur to me,'” he said in an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” 

While all of this is going on, Barron is just trying to finish his last year of high school, go to college, move on with his life, and live the life he wants to live. However, at the moment, he is at the center of a media storm that will not subside anytime soon. Why? Because Donald is running for President again, hoping to be elected in 2024.