Maintaining a clean and healthy home is hard work, but sometimes uninvited houseguests like spiders can make it even harder. While most spider bites are harmless, some can cause severe allergic reactions. 

To keep arachnids from invading our homes, we can use standard cleaning ingredients like white vinegar, Windex, dish soap, and saltwater to kill and repel them.  

White vinegar can be used to kill spiders in your home.

The acetic acid in the vinegar burns and kills spiders on contact. To use this method, mix 1 part white vinegar with 1 part water in a spray bottle. Aim and spritz the solution onto spiders for immediate extermination.

Spray this solution whenever you see a spider. However, be aware that acetic acid may damage some flooring materials. 

Use a DIY vinegar, dish soap, and water solution to kill spiders.

Liquid dish soap is a standard product found in most kitchens. When diluted with water and sprayed on a spider, it clogs the arachnid’s breathing pores, causing it to die. For a more effective spider-killing solution, combine it with white vinegar. Adding acetic acid to the vinegar enhances the effectiveness of the dish soap.

To create a spider-killing solution, mix 1 cup of water, 1 cup of white vinegar, and one tablespoon of liquid dish soap in a spray bottle. Shake well before use and spray directly on spiders.  

Additionally, the scent of cedar wood can also be helpful.

To repel spiders in your home, spread cedar chips or blocks in areas where spiders or cobwebs are present. These areas include closets, dark corners, basements, and around light fixtures. Alternatively, you can apply cedar oil to surfaces where spiders may roam. 

To repel spiders, spray essential oils

in areas where they can enter the house or where they are known to hang out. Mix 2 cups of water with 10 to 12 drops of essential oil that spiders avoid in a spray bottle. Spray liberally in corners, behind furniture, closets, and storage areas. 

Baking soda can also be used to get rid of spiders safely.

Spiders can detect odors using sensory receptors on their mouths and legs.   

Baking soda is one odor that spiders dislike, but it is safe to use in your home as it does not damage surfaces. However, if you have pets or tiny animals, be cautious when applying it in areas where they might ingest it.

Additionally, cayenne pepper can be used to add some heat.

The saying, ‘If you can’t stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen,’ could be revised to, ‘If you can’t stand the heat, then get out of the house,’ regarding spiders. Cayenne pepper is another natural repellent for these arachnids. Capsaicin, the compound responsible for the spicy taste of the powder, is highly effective at repelling spiders and other insects. The National Pesticide Information Center states that capsaicin is toxic to many pests and can repel various unwanted visitors.

Fortunately, spiders are deterred by this common spice and will try to avoid it. You can create a DIY spider repellent using water and cayenne pepper. Combine the ingredients, add them to a spray bottle, and apply the mixture to entry points and other areas where you have seen a lot of spiders.