Here are eight common causes of gastrointestinal upset, tingling in the extremities, and other symptoms of food-related illnesses, along with tips on preventing them. One of the most important ways to avoid these illnesses is by adequately washing and refrigerating food.

One of the causes is Campylobacter enteritis, a bacterial infection that can cause severe gastrointestinal upset lasting up to two weeks. 

Improperly slaughtered or processed meat, contaminated vegetables, milk, or water, and pets shedding bacteria through their waste can cause illness.

Cholera is a disease that causes diarrhea and misery.

Contrary to what literature might suggest, there is no love in the time of cholera. Contaminated water and undercooked seafood can cause cholera. Symptoms include severe dehydration and abdominal pain.

It feels like slowly drying in a dehydrator while your abdomen squeezes. It is essential to seek medical attention immediately if you suspect you have cholera.  

Replenishing may provide a short-term solution. However, the issue can be resolved in about a week with diligent effort. E. coli Enteritis is caused by Escherichia coli, commonly known as E. The strain O157:H7 is particularly potent, although other related strains can also cause infection. This bacterium is commonly found in mass-processed ground beef and on vegetables that have been mishandled or improperly cleaned.

Symptoms include severe cramping and other complications that may arise from a colon injury. This is not a preferable type of food poisoning to contract.

Ciguatera is an incurable disease that results from consuming fish contaminated by coral algae toxins. Symptoms include: The disease is limited to fish of tropical origin, cannot be detected by seafood processors, and cannot be eliminated by cooking or freezing. Typical food poisoning symptoms may appear initially, but ciguatera’s more significant issue is its severe and often irreversible neurological effects. These effects can include difficulty sensing hot or cold, tingling ‘phantom limb’ pain in the extremities, and other symptoms that may be mistaken for anything from multiple sclerosis to heart failure.

Listeria is the culprit. Raw or improperly pasteurized dairy products, canned and natural seafood, and fresh fruit are all potential sources of foodborne illness. Vegetables grown in contaminated soil and preserved and smoked meats, which a slippery or slimy film can identify, are also risky. Symptoms of foodborne illness can include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

The flu can lead to severe complications, especially in people with weakened immune systems, young children, pregnant women, and the elderly. Meningitis is one such complication that can arise. It is important to note that the text should not introduce new content beyond what is already present.

Staphylococcus is a type of food poisoning that is often associated with picnics. 

The bacteria responsible for this type of food poisoning releases toxins when food is left at room temperature, so it is essential to keep food adequately refrigerated. Symptoms of staph food poisoning include explosive gastrointestinal distress. After consuming contaminated food, you may experience complete gastrointestinal discomfort for up to 24 hours. However, the good news is that you can resume your normal activities once the symptoms subside. 

Salmonella, the bacteria responsible for salmonellosis or salmonella poisoning, is commonly found in poultry and can quickly spread to kitchen surfaces if not properly sanitized.

The culprits for spreading bacteria include eggs, processed chicken parts, other raw meat, pet reptiles, and rodents. To prevent contamination, washing everything that comes in contact with dead or live animals is essential. Additionally, it is recommended to avoid allowing live animals in the kitchen while cooking.

Symptoms of bacterial infection may include severe discomfort in the small intestine. Expect typical symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and possibly a fever for about a week.

Shigellosis is similar to salmonella but attacks the large intestine instead of the small one.

The cause of this illness is human waste. Many cases of shigellosis can be directly attributed to contact with contaminated fecal matter. This illness can be spread through food or water and can also be resistant to antibiotics. It is essential to practice safe hygiene and avoid contact with contaminated sewage.

Symptoms are similar to those of salmonella but may include more blood.