Salt has been used for thousands of years. It is commonly added to food for flavor and preservation and for various other purposes. When salt is wasted or missing, it can lead to financial loss.

To use salt for purification:

Place acceptable salt in a container and stand in the center of the main room.

Pick up handfuls of salt and sprinkle it clockwise in all room corners.

Move on to the other rooms and vacuum or sweep up the salt.

This simple ritual is highly effective and offers numerous benefits:

1) It helps to dispel negative energy, 

2) It purifies our home, 

3) It protects our home, 

4) It helps to remove unwanted visitors and

5) It attracts peace and prosperity.

Other rituals involving salt can also be performed.

If you feel weighed down by negativity, try this simple trick:

Sprinkle a thick layer of salt on the bottom of your shower or bathtub.

Stand in. Let the salt soak in.

You will feel refreshed and lighter.

Another tip is to carry a handful of sea salt in your pockets when attending a job interview or exam, which is believed to help you achieve your goals.

Lastly, if you feel that an object is charged with negative energy, try washing it with warm water and salt to transmute the energy.

After an intense day, it is recommended to eliminate negative energy by rubbing a mixture of salt and soap on your body using a bath sponge.

Additionally, sprinkling salt near the entrance door can prevent negative energy from returning to someone who has left the house with bad intentions.

Mix salt and black pepper and place the mixture in a bowl in the room or office to repel the evil eye.

To attract money, put laurel, rosemary, and salt in a cloth bag and place it at the entrance of your house.

I recommend trying this out as it is very effective.