Mrs. Favour Igiebor, the woman seen in a viral video tearing her husband’s passport, has spoken out, explaining her actions and the circumstances that led to the incident.

In a statement, Mrs. Igiebor revealed that her actions were the result of enduring longstanding issues within her marriage, and that she had finally reached a breaking point.

According to Mrs. Igiebor, she has been dealing with significant challenges in her marriage for years and felt compelled to take drastic action to stand up for herself.

She emphasized that her years of sacrifice and commitment to her marriage could not be dismissed easily, implying that the act of tearing the passport was a culmination of her frustrations.

“The issue has been going on for a very long time, I have just been dancing to the tune till I arrive in my motherland Nigeria, and I did what I did,” Mrs. Igiebor said. She urged those who viewed the video not to rush to judgment without understanding the full context and the reasons behind her actions.

“I am not a mad woman, who would just come and act like that. I have my reasons, I have gone through many things,” she added. Mrs. Igiebor explained that she chose to wait until she was in Nigeria to take action, rather than doing so while they were in Europe, to avoid causing her husband additional stress.

She further expressed frustration at the assumption that she acted irrationally, stating, “Is it till when I die, will you people know this woman did not speak out? Actions speak louder than words, I gave him my action, to know I have been bearing it.”

The viral video has sparked widespread discussion on social media, leading the Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) to launch an investigation into the incident.

The NIS noted that Mrs. Igiebor’s actions could be a violation of Section 10(b) of the Immigration Act 2015 (as amended), which prohibits the willful destruction of Nigerian travel documents. The act specifies penalties for such offenses.