Animals Interrupting Wildlife Photographers.
Wildlife photography is a rewarding profession. You explore nature and capture stunning animals on camera. Some animals love to be photographed, and some are shy or playful around people. Read on to see some funny animal interruptions.
Seal wants its picture to be taken.
This nature photographer has a sense of humor. He was taking pictures of seals on the beach when one snuck behind him. He’s stuck between a seal and a rock, unsure what to do.
He can only laugh at the situation this seal has put him in. He had a friend to document the situation. He’ll never live this down when he gets back to the hotel!
Nice picture!
Baby tiger hat This baby tiger was bored and saw a human, so it took a chance. If only he were ready. His picture is ruined. He needs new glasses. This cat is going to need stitches!
This is our favorite picture. This tiger has made it hard for the photographer, but we like it! Play with humans to make it better.
Friendly bears and a nature photographer.
This photo shoot went badly for the man. He was taking pictures when he saw a bear to his left. Then he looked to his right and saw another bear!
The bears saw him and thought he was a snack. A tasty human morsel is a great way to fatten up for winter hibernation. The bears look friendly, so the photographer needs to stay calm.
What are you doing?
I’m learning to be a photographer.
The photographer was doing well until a cheetah showed up. He’s stuck, staring through the camera and unable to move. If you flick, this calm kitty might go into big cat mode. Everything’s okay for now. Stay still.
The cheetah might want to look at the camera. Cats are curious. This one might wish to see what this human is doing. Is he looking at more cheetahs? A snack? This cat’s curiosity won’t end here.
You have something on your head.
This woman is determined to take the perfect picture, no matter what. Not even a big white wolf whispering sweet nothings into her ear. We’d run away fast.Some pictures aren’t worth taking. This photographer is suitable for being braver or just stubborn. That’s right. This is a once-in-a-lifetime photo. She’s not going to miss the chance after years of trying!