There are so many fish to choose from at the meat counter, and most of them claim to be the best. What can a home cook do?
This guide will answer your questions and help you get the best product next time.
Why buy salmon in a store?
The life cycle of salmon matters to the environment. Salmon live in freshwater, move to saltwater, come home to breed and die. Their life cycle is delicate and regulated, so non-farmed salmon can only be caught at certain times of the year. Don’t fish for them during the breeding season. Some salmon species are endangered or protected.
The best reason to buy salmon at the grocery store is because stores are more likely to respect the law.
Buy salmon from Indigenous communities when you can. This species is important to their ancient heritage; they also care for rivers and oceans.
What’s the difference between wild and farmed fish?
If you want the best and most sustainable fish, you should consider how it is caught or raised. Farmed salmon can be safe if the company is responsible. Wild-caught salmon can be dangerous to wildlife if caught in nets.
Most stores will say on the tag if a salmon is farmed. If not, ask the fishmonger. If they can’t, it’s a red flag. Don’t buy that salmon if you don’t know how it was caught.
How do you know the fish is fresh?
Salmon looks fresh if it is shiny, moist, firm, and smells good. If you’re buying whole salmon, check the gills (they should be dark red) and eyes (they should be bright). These rules also apply to flash-frozen salmon, which can be refrozen.
Whole salmon is often the freshest option at the grocery store. Buy an entire salmon and have your fishmonger fillet it. You can save the head and bones for stock.
What about canned salmon?
A guide to buying salmon applies to canned and fresh salmon. Canned salmon is nearly as healthy as fresh salmon, and some studies even say it has more nutrients.
Go for canned salmon with bones. It’s edible and high in calcium, so it suits kids and adults. Choose low-sodium versions so you can add salt later. Any type of canned salmon is delicious and easy to prepare.
Store salmon in its butcher paper until you’re ready to prepare it. The USDA says you should eat cooked salmon within 4 days, including any smoked or lox. You can also freeze cooked fish for up to three months and raw fish for up to eight months.
How should salmon taste?
Salmon should taste clean, briny, and light, with a very mild sweetness. When cooking salmon, make sure it smells like the sea, not a dock. The latter won’t taste nice. If it smells or tastes bad, throw it away. Don’t mess with spoiled fish.