Elena Reyes is a 50-year-old marine biologist. She has spent her life studying and protecting whales. She has spent the last thirty years studying and protecting whales near the border between Maine and Canada.

But one time, something happened that made her think very differently. Elena was swimming along the shore of Ratonga with her colleagues and a support boat. At the same time, a drone was watching her from above. She was swimming next to a small group of humpback whales.

But something unexpected was about to happen.

She was wearing a waterproof camera and taking photos of the humpback whales.

Suddenly, a vast male whale, weighing over 23 tons and stretching at least 50 feet in length, started to swim towards her.

At that moment, Elena realized that his behavior was anything but ordinary.

Usually, when she took photos of whales, she would go to them, but this time was different. Usually, the whales would stay calm, but they were very excited this time and came towards her quickly.

But Elena was not worried.

As the whale approached, Elena became increasingly worried because she knew how serious the situation was.

Suddenly and worryingly, the whale hit Elena, pushing her hard against the water.

She tried to get away, but she couldn’t.

She was confused about why the whale acted so strangely in the chaos.

She knew staying close to the whale’s head was safe, so she went there. Humpback whales don’t have teeth; they have soft plates in their mouths.

She trusted in her knowledge of these gentle giants and hoped her decision would give her the best chance of surviving this scary experience.

Even though it is usually safer to dive with a buddy, Elena isn’t alone in the water. Her diving partner had less experience than Elena, but he was there.

But neither of them understood how serious the situation was. 

Elena looked carefully at the vast ocean. She saw another moving shadow far away—a second humpback whale.

Elena watched the strange behavior of the whales and noticed that the second whale was acting strangely, too.

With one whale constantly pushing her away and the other slapping the water’s surface, the situation became increasingly mysterious.

Elena had bruises from being pushed and dragged, but she didn’t know if the whales wanted to hurt her. But she had a moment of realization when she saw the whales acting a bit differently.

She suddenly understood what was going on. Even though she was in a difficult situation, she understood that the real danger was elsewhere, not with the humpback whales.

This made her feel very scared.

She wanted to escape the danger, so she tried to break free from the whale and get to safety.

She looked towards the second whale, splashing at the surface. But she saw a more significant threat in the distance: a giant tiger shark.

As the tiger shark grew, Elena felt even more scared and desperate.

As the tiger shark approached, she knew she had to act quickly to survive.

As Elena was preparing to swim away, the whale suddenly acted strangely.

The whale made a big splash with its tail, sending a wave towards the shark to stop the attack.

Elena was amazed as the humpback whale stood guard, its vast body shielding her and the dangerous threat below.

This made Elena feel a strong connection with the whale.

With the whale protecting her, Elena decided to try to escape. 

She broke free from the whale’s grip, and her body rose towards the water’s surface.

As she got closer to the boat, she felt relief and triumph.

But then she saw that the tiger shark had gotten through the whale’s defenses and was approaching her quickly.

With one last burst of energy, Elena pushed herself away from the shark’s jaws. Her heart was beating very fast as she turned to face the person who was going to save her.

The whale hit the shark, which sent it backward into the air, creating many bubbles and blood.

As the ocean became calm again and the excitement died down, Elena felt grateful to the humpback whale that had saved her.