Jemma and her brothers were allowed to go anywhere they wanted on the farm, with one exception. The barn was off-limits. He told them that it wasn’t used anymore and was dangerous to enter.
Now an adult, she had her own life and only visited her dad once a month to see how he was doing. But she had no idea how close a second tragedy was.
Adam worked hard daily to set up a promising future for his kids. This meant that Jemma could get a good education and graduate with high marks.
A few months later, the inheritance was sorted out, and her brothers got the estate while she got something she didn’t expect. He gave her the farm. Was this because of the good memories she had?
The photo looked familiar—it was a picture of the farm. Then she realized that it was the same one her grandfather had given him on his deathbed. She didn’t understand, but then she flipped it over.
On the other side, there was a message in messy writing: “The barn is everything that I leave to you. Go to it and remember your birthday.”
After finding the note written on the back of an old photo, she had to take a look.
Jemma decided to be brave and went down the old stairs.
She collapsed to her knees when she saw what her father had hidden from the world. How could he have done this? All she knew was that her life would never be the same again.
Jemma couldn’t believe what she was looking at. Inside the concrete room, there was a small vault. What could he be hiding inside? She didn’t know the combination, but then she reread the note.
“Remember your birthday. The 4th of June, 1990,” she said to herself. She put her hand on the dial and turned it. After entering 4-6-9-0, it clicked and opened.
Jemma was amazed to see what was on the shelves of the small vault. She knew right away that it must be why her dad had come to the farm when she was young after her grandad died.
It was what Peter had left to Adam and now what he was leaving to his daughter. Bars of heavy silver, at least 30 pounds, were sitting on the shelves. Jemma knew her life would never be the same again.