After the sensational story of how Prince William was accused of cheating on Kate Middleton with a famous model, Lady Di’s eldest son not only raised his image but also, according to sources, went to betray his wife to support King Charles III and Camilla Parker’s decision and prove their loyalty. 

It’s no secret that Prince William has been living in hell for the past few months. This comes after his sibling Harry revealed in his book, The Spare One, how King Charles III’s eldest son cheated on Kate Middleton with Rose Hanbury in 2019, “The Crown on the Ropes.” 

After the book was published, sometime later, British media published photos online showing Prince William gazing fondly at the model. Even a few days after this shocking incident, Prince William said that he denied all rumors about his infidelity, saying that this information was unreliable and just a trick by journalists. Despite this, his image was severely damaged, as many Britons still do not believe him and pity his wife, who had to endure the whole disgrace. 

The public also criticized Kate Middleton and did not look very happy about the latest developments in the monarchy. But despite what is happening, the heir to the throne decides to do the impossible to please both society and his father because, as it became known, he betrayed his wife by agreeing with the decision of King Charles III and Camilla Parker. 

Unlike his brother Harry, Prince William is more interested in obeying the monarchy’s rules, even if he ignores his wife and children since Lady Diana’s eldest son has always been the center of the royal family’s admiration. 

At Sunday’s Mass for King Charles III, he showed that even with a complicated relationship with his father’s partner, Camilla Parker, he still managed to maintain his royal dignity and prove his loyalty to the sovereign and the Queen Consort by betraying Kate Middleton, who was not very happy with the decisions made by the highest ranks of the kingdom. 

It is worth noting that Prince William showed loyalty to King Charles III and Camilla Parker, thus showing that he will always listen to the rules of the kingdom, ready to betray his family, as in recent days it was rumored that Kate Middleton was not happy with the decisions of the royal family. 

According to verified sources, King Charles III and Camilla Parker invited the alleged mistress of Lady Di’s son to the coronation, not thinking that the Princess of Wales would be at least unpleasant after rumors of her husband’s infidelity, and now they say that William betrayed his wife.