On November 8, 2014, Lara Yunaska, an “Inside Edition” producer, was formally inducted into the Trump family. That was the day she married Eric Trump, the second son of former President Donald Trump. Two years later, she resigned from her position as a producer to assume a role in her father-in-law’s campaign for the 2016 presidential election.

Over the years, Lara has been a pivotal figure within the Trump family, demonstrating unwavering allegiance to the Trump brand and, particularly, a staunch commitment to supporting Donald in his various presidential campaigns. In return, Donald Trump supported Lara Trump in her campaign for the position of co-chair of the Republican National Convention, a role she was elected to in March 2024. 

Donald Trump demonstrates respect for his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump. On October 6, 2022, Donald Trump engaged in an interview with his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, for an episode of her video podcast, “The Right View with Lara Trump.” The two individuals were situated across from each other, with only a few feet between them, while the host, wearing pink shoes, posed a series of questions to the former president. In an exclusive interview with The List, body language expert Nicole Moore observed that Donald’s demeanor exhibited respect for his daughter-in-law.

Lara Trump and Eric Trump commenced their romantic relationship in 2008 and married in 2014. Two years later, on September 6, 2016, Lara Trump appeared at a rally for Donald Trump in Greenville, in her home state of North Carolina. She spoke briefly, expressing her support for Donald and the Trump family. However, her father-in-law appeared grateful for her presence. Indeed, as body language expert Nicole Moore revealed exclusively to The List, he seemed to hold a positive regard for his son’s wife.

As Lara approached the podium to speak, Donald embraced and kissed her. 

From Lara’s perspective, it appeared that she was not disconcerted by Donald’s gesture of affection. Moore observed it as relaxed and open body language, indicating a sense of comfort with her father-in-law. 

Jared Kushner likes his sister-in-law, Lara Trump. When Lara married into the Trump family, she became Jared’s sister-in-law. Lara and Kushner have been involved in their father-in-law, Donald Trump’s political career. On September 8, 2022, she invited her brother-in-law to appear on her show, “The Right View with Lara Trump.” The interview was done via video chat, and body language expert Nicole Moore observed Kushner’s feelings toward his sister-in-law.

Donald Trump Jr. doesn’t like his sister-in-law, Lara Trump.

On November 2, 2016, Lara Trump joined her brother-in-law and husband for a town hall episode of the “Hannity” show. She was promoting Donald Trump’s candidacy in the presidential election. As Eric and Donald Jr. spoke, Lara listened and agreed. Donald Jr. didn’t support his sister-in-law as much as she needed.

Donald Trump Jr. and Lara Trump are more like co-workers than family.

After Donald Trump was found guilty, Lara Trump tried to gain sympathy for her father-in-law, a newly convicted felon. It wasn’t the first time she spoke about Donald’s time in the New York court system. On May 28, she said at a press conference with her husband and brother-in-law.

Donald Jr. spoke first, followed by Eric and Lara. They said Donald was innocent and criticized the trial, but when it was over, Donald Jr. quickly turned away, not even looking at Lara as she finished her speech. 

Moore says Donald Jr. was eager to leave, not disinterested in Lara’s talk. 

Moore also said that Donald Jr. treated his sister-in-law like a colleague, not a relative. “His body language showed he was at work, not home with his family.”