A woman with a full face tattoo whose picture went viral has shocked the Internet with a reverse image

  • A woman with a full face tattoo whose picture went viral has shocked the Internet with a reverse image ➤ Buzzday.info
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13 thoughts on “A woman with a full face tattoo whose picture went viral has shocked the Internet with a reverse image”

  1. I feel bad for her… she’s obviously hiding both physically and mentally. And now she’s hiding behind sunglasses and under that silly purple hat. I feel bad for people like this that seemingly make one bad choice after another and have nobody they can talk to to stop them from making such enduring, lasting mistakes. I feel bad for Mike Tyson too.

  2. I’m pleased she is doing it I felt for her children as the kids at school are t very kind well done

  3. When my children were much younger, about 25 years ago, I often encouraged them to consider “tattoo removal” as a potential future occupation as it appeared to me to be a lucrative future job path. They considered my attempt at humor to be quite misguided, but you should see what “tattoo-removal- artists” make per hour…

  4. Glad she removed it from her face. That part was bad. The other tats on her body actually look pretty good. I would love to see her in a skimpy teeney weeney bikini to be able to view the rest of them.

  5. I completely support your right to artistic expression. At the same time you have to respect my right not to hire you. Life is choices and you live with them.

  6. I’d like to hear her reason for doing both having them put on her face and why she decided to take them off

  7. I am glad you seen the light and will move forward with your life without the tattoos. I hope that your life will change for the better. I see a good person in your eyes. God Bless You!

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